
Pan-Fried Salmon Recipe | Trending Ways



cook salmon

Salmon is a type of fish that is extremely popular and it’s also very healthy. It used to be called “the king of fish” for its fat content, but today we know there are many other types of fatty fish such as sardines and herring.

But salmon isn’t just protein; this oily fish really does make you feel full, even though it only contains around 150 calories per 100g.

Salmon can be cooked like any other meat: baked, grilled… But make sure the cook time isn’t too long because if cooked for too long (over 20 minutes), the salmon won’t taste good at all! Moreover, overcooking dries up the flesh and changes flavor.

It’s even worse if you cook it at high temperatures.

When buying fresh salmon, look for firm flesh that is moist, not mushy to the touch. If there are scales still attached to the fish, they should appear glossy and moist instead of dry or brittle. If you are cooking a larger piece of fresh whole salmon, make sure it has no discoloration on either side. Make sure there are no black spots on the outside tissue.  

Fresh wild-caught salmon will have more fat than farm-raised species which often have less flavor because they are fed diets consisting mostly of cornmeal. Although some people remove all visible fat after breaking down the fish, this step is not necessary because most if it will cook away during broiling or baking.


Here are some cooking times for salmon:

– 3 minutes on each side for medium sized fillets, served with fresh lemon juice

– 4 minutes on each side for larger pieces, served with a salsa made of 1 avocado, diced small and mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 limes squeezed, salt and pepper.(Preheat the oven to 220°C)

Salmon keeps its flavor even when cold. For salads or sandwiches, cook your salmon beforehand but don’t cook it too much or else it will become dry. You can keep your cooked salmon in the fridge overnight then slice before serving. Or cook half of what you need for one meal so your ingredients.

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