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The 4 Best Methods to Cook a Steak Indoors – Trending Ways



lanching the cook

If you’re like most people, you cook a steak at least once a week. It’s not hard to cook a steak and it can be done in many ways, but the best way is often debated. We’ve compiled this guide for those who want to cook the perfect steak every time.

How to cook a steak

– Let your meat come up to room temperature before cooking

– Season both sides of your steak with salt and pepper

– Sear each side on high heat for 3 minutes per side

– Move your pan off the heat and let the meat finish cooking on the residual heat

– Remove your steak from the pan and let it rest for at least five minutes to redistribute all of its juices

– If you cook a larger cut, cook each side longer

– Try using butter on top of your steak when cooking. It gives an extra flavor boost!


Add bullet points here

– Cook steak in cast iron skillet

– Flip once halfway through the recommended cook time

– Check doneness by touch not temp! Pink is right but still red inside?

The hint !

Keep going until meat springs back under pressure from your thumb or comes up to room temp. This should take anywhere between 135°F (medium rare) to 145°-150°F depending on thickness . Steak will continue cooking off the grill so remove when it’s less than ten degrees below your desired temp.

Cooking a steak is an art form. In this post, we’ll talk about all of the best ways to cook a steak and what you need to know before going into it!

– cook on high heat for two minutes each side at room temperature

– cook with salt just before cooking more than once

– cook in cast iron pan without oil or butter

– rotate every 30 seconds so as not to burn one part over another

The best way to cook a steak is on medium rare by cooking firstly on high heat for less time – only around 90 seconds per side – then remove from oven and let sit while still hot. Continue cooking several times after removing from oven until perfect level of don.

Thanks for reading this, check others cooking ways.

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These Are the Best Ways to Cook Oily Fish



cook oily fish are some of the healthiest foods you can eat and have been shown to help protect against heart disease and arthritis.

Intro to cook oily fish   

There are many types of oily fish, including salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna and herring. They vary slightly in taste but most have a similar meaty texture once cooked.

Fresh fish should smell sweet with no hint of ammonia, which indicates it’s beginning to rot.

cook oily fish


     Oily fish tends to have a strong flavor so you can mix it with other ingredients for more subtle flavours or simply coat it in breadcrumbs, grilling or baking it.

It usually takes about 20 minutes to cook through.

     For a really healthy meal, serve your oily fish with some brown rice and steamed vegetables on the side. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading this article, check more about cooking ways here.

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How to Boil and Eat Lobster – Simply Recipes



Lobster is a popular seafood dish. It can be as easy as boiling water to cook lobster. This article will cover the basics of cooking live lobsters, how to cook it with water and methods that will enhance its flavor.

In general, most people prefer their lobster cooked by steaming or boiled in saltwater.

Oven-baked and grilled lobsters are also common choices for those who would like a less messy method of cooking.

Serve your fresh catch with melted butter, fruits, vegetables or make a soup out of it. Lobster is high in protein and considered a very tasty treat!

Choosing A Lobster :

When buying live lobsters from the market, choose those that have a hard shell and long antennae.

Make sure that the lobsters are lively and have no broken claws or any crustacean diseases.

Lobsters To Avoid :

Look out for live lobsters which have been packed with ice to keep them fresh.

This may affect the flavor of your lobster so it is advisable to buy from local fishermen who will most probably already cook their catch when you purchase from them.

Cooking Lobster in Water:     

To begin preparing your cooking water, fill a large pot with cold water that covers at least one inch above each lobster’s head. Add 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water. Place over high heat until the water boils completely then add the live lobsters, headfirst.

Cover the pot and return to a boil as quickly as possible. Boil for 3 minutes then remove from the pot with tongs and place on a baking sheet.

Cooking Lobster using Other Methods:

Oven-baked Lobster :

Preheat your oven at 425 degrees F before placing your lobster onto the baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the lobster’s shell is bright red.

Grilled Lobster :

If you have a charcoal grill, it is best to light it before cooking your lobster. Grill for about 8-10 minutes per side or until the lobster turns red all over.

Boiling Lobster:

Fill a large pot with saltwater and place over high heat until it boils. Add the live lobsters one at a time, making sure that the water covers each lobster. Boil for 3 minutes then remove from the pot with tongs and place on a baking sheet.

After cooking, enjoy your delicious lobster! Dip it in melted butter or any of your favorite sauces before eating. There are many ways to cook a lobster and this is just one of them. Be creative and have fun with it! Experiment with different flavors and methods to see which one you like best. Lobster is a versatile seafood that can be cooked in many different ways so don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen! Enjoy!

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Épinards En Branche (Sautéed Spinach) Recipe –



Intro of cooking epinard

How to cook epinard? This is a question that not many people are able to answer, but it can be prepared in various ways. Epinards are sometimes referred to as spinach. If you want to know how to cook epinard, then continue reading this article.

There are two ways in which the cooking of epinards can take place. One way in which you can prepare them is by boiling them in water until they become soft and turn into mush because of the heat. Another way is by frying or searing them in oil before placing them into liquid for cooking. The latter method has the advantage of giving the dish an added bonus when it comes to richness and flavor and also ensures that its nutrition value will remain intact.


When cooking, try using oil instead of butter because this will ensure that you do not alter the taste of the dish. You can also add some salt and pepper for enhanced flavor. After frying them, you should put in some spices like nutmeg or mace.

This would make your dish far more delicious than before, but it is important to remember not to overdo it with the spices because they might end up giving your dish an unpleasant flavor. However, if you wish to enhance its color without affecting its taste too much then adding a few drops of food coloring can be very helpful indeed.

If you are wondering what dishes can be made with epinards, then you should know that it is possible for them to form an integral part of many different meals. For instance, they can make great accompaniments for meat or seafood. The rest of this article has some good epinard recipes that are worth trying out.

How to cook Epinard [sic] Asparagus frittata recipe:

For this dish, you will need the following ingredients: 2 large potatoes (per person), 4 eggs per potato , 1 tablespoon of oil per egg , salt and pepper for taste, ml milk per egg, 2 bunches of asparagus (1 bunch per person) and 300 grams of ham per 2 people.

The preparation process is simple: first, grate the potatoes and put the grated pieces in a bowl together with some salt and pepper. Crack two eggs into another bowl and prepare the frying pan by heating it on a medium heat.

Wait until the egg starts to fry then use a spatula to stir it around so that its surface area will increase. Cook for a few minutes before adding some milk or cream to it after which you should season with more salt and pepper if necessary at this point. Stir well before repeating this step to make another egg omelet. If you have a bigger frying pan, then it is possible to cook your eggs in layers.

Fry the asparagus and the ham separately while ensuring that their texture does not turn into mush. Bake until golden brown before serving hot with some bread or chips on the side.

How to cook Epinard Linguine recipe:

This dish has these ingredients: 100 grams of linguine for every person, 2 tablespoons of oil per 100 grams of pasta , 1 onion , one liter of vegetable broth , salt pepper for taste, 2 bunches of Epinards or spinach.

Pour some oil into a pot on a medium heat and add the onion while stirring continuously to prevent it from burning. Pour in some salt and pepper for taste before adding some vegetable stock.

Wait until the broth starts boiling before adding the linguine, cooking for around 20 minutes and stirring once every 5 minutes. Add the spinach at this point after which you should cook your ingredients together for another 2 minutes (ensuring that they don’t end up becoming mush). Serve hot with good bread or potatoes on the side.

Thank you for reading this article, check more about cooking ways Here.

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